About Me

About Me:

My Name is Alyce and I am a Psychic, Medium, Psychic Dreamer, Light Worker and Intuitive Guide. I am also a Natural Empathic Healer. My Mediumship comes through in dreams, meditation and Channelling.

For the last 6 years I was a Nurse and I was constantly healing patients in hospitals and helping those ready to pass over from earth to the spirit world.

While being a nurse I noticed that I would constantly feel the pain of others or the strong emotions people were struggling with. I often just knew intuitively when people were near the end of their life or were ready to pass on and needed someone to tell them it was ok to let go.

I have always known that I had empathic abilities and I have had incredible dreams all my life. I have had out of body experiences with spirits calling peoples names down my hallway. Dreams of spirits giving me messages and when I mediate I receive messages from those who have passed.

Following a spiritual life Is my life purpose. Every time I help someone connect or give messages of hope makes my heart completely full. I love doing this work because it heals peoples souls and helps them to see the light when it feels like its flooded with darkness.

Being a Psychic Medium means so much to me and my life’s work is to give to others and to provide a service that helps people.

I look forward to reading for you and giving you some closure.

May we all move forward in pure white light.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Mahatma Gandhi